Hope and Wade last year on our family vacation to Roaring River State Park in Missouri.
Below is a picture taken the same day of our immediate family having supper at the lodge.
Many of you know our family. We are very close and our immediate family is by some standards large. Our three older daughters have families and so Hope has five nephews and two nieces who are actually more like siblings or cousins. Recently our oldest daughter Misty's husband Wade passed away unexpectedly. It has been a very tough time for our whole family especially Misty Caleb and Tyler and also for Hope. Dealing with grief is difficult even for adults. Our family's strength through this past month has come from Jesus...the Comforter. I just wanted to make any of you aware who did not know and to ask you to pray for us. Since this blog is mostly to document Hope's life I felt it appropriate to post some pictures of her and Wade. She loved him very much. He would often come over to pick her up when she was planning to go to Misty's house, those were fun times. He would always say "Whatcha doin Hopie". She loved her brother-in-law and now is learning to live with only his memories and the blessed hope we have in Jesus Christ that we will see Wade again.
I would appreciate any comments and suggestions from any of you especially those of you who have an adopted child or have a child who has suffered a similar loss in their young life.
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