The first moment...
During her first visit with the Doctor our wonderful agency CCAI sent by to see her that first day.
I was overcome with emotion this Father's Day as I looked back at the past few months and remembered again what a wonderful father Hope has. On January 14, 2008 for the first time since she was found on the door step of the Civil Affairs Office in Huainan China on December 14, 2004 Hope became part of a forever family. Ronnie actually touched her before I did, he was in front when they walked the cutest little Chinese girl ever born over to us. During the long wait we imagined over and over how wonderful that moment would be but nothing we imagined even started to compare.
Ronnie is a wonderful father, our older daughters will be the first to agree with me. I wanted to share a few photos of Ronnie and Hope this special Father's Day. I'm sure the other girls will not be jealous of is such a precious time for their little sister.
You may have seen a couple of these previously on the blog but they also belong here on this post on this Hope Marie's first Fathers Day. The top photo is my favorite one. I believe it captures the essence of their bond. Ronnie spent about 3 and 1/2 months working evenings so that he could spend time with Hope during the day and it really paid off for him. She is so very attached to him.