Hope helping unload pumpkins or our church pumpkin patch.
Our camera was broken and I kept meaning to download some of the girls Thanksgiving photos which never happened...so here is my Thanksgiving post minus the pictures... so I am posting just a couple of random Hope photos...
We are so blessed as a family. One certain little brown eyed girl makes us thankful every day for Chinese Children Adoption International our agency and the wonderful work they have done over the years to bring children and their families together. Several of our family members donated money to send to Hope's orphanage in China. The place where Hope spent the first three years of her life will always be close in our thoughts and prayers especially this time of year.
Hope is a sweet precious little girl who has progressed so very much in the past couple of years. We are thankful that her transition into our family has been easy and wonderful. Our whole family has welcomed her with open arms and she loves them all. We are so thankful to have such a warm welcoming family.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.