Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Helping Grandpa

The past few months have been a whirlwind of travel for us. In caring for my stepfather we have made several trips to Oklahoma City to help him transition into his new home at a beautiful assisted living facility there. He is a doing so well and we are so very thankful to have found him such a good place to live...actually that credit goes to my brother Billy and his family who did the research and legwork to find the best possible location and facility for him.

Hope is doing so great now traveling!! A huge milestone for her. There were times when we thought any trips longer than about 20 to 30 minutes would never happen again. Now we are planning a VACATION...the first since CHINA. Our little Hopie is a treasure and every day we know that even more. Here is a picture of Grandpa in his new home. Hope has been such blessing ... his face lights up when he sees her come in. My brother Billy and his family have really been the stabilizing force for him since they spend hours each week with him helping him get settled in and taking care of any shopping for him. It takes a loving family working together to get this type of huge lifechanging event to go smoothly.

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